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Vol 163
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Geosynergetic problems of nanospace and phase states of fossil coals and coalbed methane

V. V. Kiryukov1
V. N. Novikova2
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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This paper deals with the carbophos nanomedium, occupying the boundary region, but at the same time possessing its own features. Of particular importance is the rupture of atomic-molecular space with chemical processes and micro- and macro-space with mechanical processes. Metastability of the state of the open coal-gas system, detachment of nanocomponents, nanostructure and fractal properties are manifested at bifurcations in the linear-asymptotic type of development. In coherent processes it is manifested in gas dynamic phenomena of bursts, in stable processes - in stable gas evolution during coal metamorphism and metageneration. Prediction horizons, uncertainty of conceptual interpretations, entropic character of coal formation-metageneration processes are different aspects of coal nanospace as a real-defined and spatial-temporal category.

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  2. Кирюков В.В. Нанокомпоненты и наноструктуры ископаемых углей / В.В.Кирюков, В.Н.Новикова // Геология угольных месторождений / Уральская горно-геологическая академия. Екатеринбург, 2004. Вып.14. С.29-37.
  3. Князева Е.Н. Основания синергетики. Режимы с обострением, самоорганизация, темпомиры / Е.Н.Князева, С.П.Курдюмов. СПб: Алетейя, 2002. 414 с.
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