Results of mineralogical investigations of solid samples of initial and final products of atmospheric copper treatment in the technology of sulfuric acid leaching of high-copper feinstein
About authors
- 1 — Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel
- 2 — Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel
- 3 — OAO Gipronickel Institute
- 4 — St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Structural and textural features, phase and chemical compositions of high-copper matte and solid residue from atmospheric copper cleaning operation, which is the main operation in the technological scheme of sulfuric acid leaching of matte, were studied. Studies of the structural and mineralogical composition of the products were carried out using modern methods of electron microscopy (SEM and PCMA) and X-ray diffraction analysis.
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