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Vol 166
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Research article
Human Ecology

Direction of activity of interuniversity scientific-educational center on problems of human ecology on the basis of Tomsk State University

G. V. Maier
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  • Tomsk State University
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The Interuniversity Research and Education Center for Human Ecology was established on the basis of Tomsk State University. The Center's activity is based on the conceptual model of human ecology as a complex interdisciplinary knowledge, including not only the laws of human adaptation to environmental conditions and non-destructive development of nature, but also the parameters of environmental orientation of consciousness. The main activity of the Center is carried out in three directions: a) development of inter-disciplinary research in the field of human ecology and habitat, including physical, genetic, physiological, legal, sociological aspects and implementation of research results in international, federal and sectoral programs, industry and educational process; b) organization and development of the activity of the "Regional Center for Collective Use in Ecology, Genetics and Environmental Protection", providing interdisciplinary research and training of highly qualified personnel for universities of Siberia; c) development of new forms and technologies of education, their scientific and methodological support and formation of the system of open environmental education in the region on the basis of the university.

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