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Vol 167 No 1
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Strategic analysis of diversification of gas company

N. P. Galaida
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  • Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article focuses on the strategic analysis of diversification of a gas company (on the example of the gas distribution organization Peterburgregregiongaz). This topic is very relevant, as it allows solving many problems of the organization. The main directions of diversification of the company are shown: diversification of sales markets, diversification of suppliers, complex diversification of the company in order to create a single energy holding structure. The scheme of the analysis based on the methods of strategic management is presented, which implies the identification of possible directions of diversification. The results of the first stage of research conducted according to this scheme are given, namely, conducting a comprehensive SWOT-analysis, the main trends existing in the market as a whole, as well as in the company itself are revealed.

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  2. Бренц А.Д. Экономика газовой промышленности. СПб: Питер, 1999
  3. Эванс, Френк И. Оценка компаний при слияниях и поглощениях. М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2004.

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