Regularities of change of spatial position of a drilling shell in a borehole
About authors
- Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Deep drilling of glaciers and ice sheets is currently one of the main and most informative ways to study the current state and evolution of the glaciation of our planet. As it is known, there are no absolutely vertical boreholes, all boreholes have deviations. In case of drilling accidents causing jamming of the drill bit in the borehole, the main task is to deviate, bypass the drill bit to continue further drilling. In order to perform these operations, it is necessary to know the regularities of the drill bit behavior in the borehole. The article describes the regularity of change of spatial position of the drill bit.
- Технология и техника разведочного бурения / Ф.А.Шамшев, С.А.Тараканов, Б.Б.Кудряшов и др. М.: Недра, 1983.
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