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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article
Mining. Ecology

Assessment of Industrial Waste Storage Facility Impact on Groundwater

Renata Rogowska-Kwas1
Jan Macuda2
About authors
  • 1 — Krakow Academy of Mining and Metallurgy
  • 2 — Krakow Academy of Mining and Metallurgy
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Most industrial wastes are environmentally harmful. First of all, this applies to chemical wastes containing leachable organic and inorganic components. Leaky or poorly sealed landfills lead to groundwater seepage. They are typically characterized by high levels of ammonia, arsenic, chromium, lead, copper, zinc, iron, and organic compounds. The results of laboratory analyses of landfill leachates seeping into the soil and water environment are presented and quantitative changes in groundwater flowing from the area of the landfill under study are discussed.

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  2. Macuda J., Kaczor B., Skiba J. Sprawozdanie z badań jakości wód podziemnych w rejonie zbiorników odpadów «AN» Zakładów Azotowych S.A. w Tarnowie, Hydrodol Tarnów. 1998.
  3. Wyniki monitoringu wód podziemnych w rejonie składowiska «AN» II. Materiały niepublikowane, Hydrodol Tarnów. 2003.
  4. Witczak S., Adamczyk A. Katalog wybranych fizycznych i chemicznych wskaźników zanieczyszczeń wód podziemnych i metod ich oznaczania. Tom I. Warszawa, BMŚ. 1994.

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