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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article
Mining. Ecology

Regularities of acoustic emission in coal samples under different modes of mechanical loading

S. V. Kuchurin
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  • Moscow State Geological Prospecting University
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Experimental results of studying the patterns of acoustic emission (AE) in anthracite samples under uniaxial tests with specified loading and displacement rates, as well as under axisymmetric triaxial compression under different levels of lateral pressure are presented. Possibilities of estimation of physical and mechanical properties of coal and identification of deformation stages and boundaries between these stages by informative parameters of AE by comparing graphs of AE dependences and deformation characteristics have been revealed. The presence of peculiarities in AE properties of coal depending on modes of research and schemes of mechanical loading of samples has been established.

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  3. Кучурин С.В. Современное состояние исследований в области акустоэмиссионных процессов при деформировании и разрушении угля (обзор) // Сб. научн. трудов студентов магистратуры МГГУ. Выпуск 5. М.: Изд-во МГГУ, 2005. С.160-167.
  4. Шкуратник В.Л. Экспериментальные исследования акустической эмиссии в образцах угля при одноосном нагружении / В.Л.Шкуратник, Ю.Л.Филимонов, С.В.Кучурин // Физико-технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых. 2004. № 5. С.42-49.
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