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Vol 169
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Extraction of cerium(III) and yttrium(III) by naphthenic acid from chloride media

D. E. Chirkst1
T. E. Litvinova2
V. S. Starshinova3
D. S. Lutskii4
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 3 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 4 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Data on the extraction of cerium(III) and yttrium(III) by naphthenic acid solution in o-xylene from chloride media were obtained. The experiment showed W-shaped dependence of the distribution coefficient of cerium(III) and yttrium(III) on the Cl content in the equilibrium aqueous phase. The minima of the dependence are explained by the formation of non-extractable complexes MeCl 2 +and MeOH 2 +, the maxima - by the increase in the degree of dissociation of naphthenic acid and the increase in the ionic strength of the solution.

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  3. Савин С.Б. Арсеназо III. М.: Атомиздат, 1966. 265 с.
  4. Термические константы веществ. Справочник / Под ред. В.П.Глушко. М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1978. Т.8. 574 с.

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