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Vol 170 No 2
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Current problems in reactive distillation process control

Ioana Georgescu1
Gabriel Rădulescu2
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  • 1 — Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti
  • 2 — Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti
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The reactive distillation unit is one of the most important and "delicate" functional components of a complex chemical plant. While modeling and simulation of steady-state operation has become standard today using a number of well-known specialized software tools, very little is known about dynamic modeling in the open literature. Due to the complexity of the process, references on this topic mention the many difficulties in building a dynamic model that could be suitable for nu- merical integration. Dynamic modeling is useful to understand the behavior of such a complex plant. However, the most important challenge in using an appropriate modeling tool is the design and tuning of the control system for such a reactive distillation process.

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  1. Grüner, S., Mohl, K.-D., Kienle, A., Gilles, E.D., Fernholz, G., Friedrich, M. (2003). Nonlinear Control of a Reactive Distillation Column. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 11.
  2. King, C.J. (1980). Separation Processes. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
  3. Mangold, M., A. Kienle, K.D. Mohl and E.D. Gilles (2000). Nonlinear computation using DIVA – Methods and applications. Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.55.
  4. Mohl, K.D., Kienle, A., Gilles, E.D., Rapmund, P., Sundmacher, K., Hoffmann, U. (1999). Steady-state Multiplicities in Reactive Distillation Columns for the Production of Fuel Ethers MTBE and TAME Via Reactive Distillation – Theoretical and Experimental Results. Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.54.
  5. Rădulescu, G., N. Paraschiv and V. Marinoiu (2000). A Model for the Dynamic Simulation of a Crude Oil Unit. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol.2, Nr.1.
  6. Rădulescu, G. (2002). Contribuţii la reglarea după model a procesului de distilare atmosferică, PhD Thesis, Petroleum – Gas University of Ploieşti.

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