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Vol 170 No 2
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Problem of calculation of head losses by Leibenzon formula in mixed friction zone of turbulent mode

N. V. Morozova1
A. A. Korshak2
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  • 1 — Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
  • 2 — Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
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A comparative analysis of the experimental values of the hydraulic resistance coefficient λ in the mixed friction turbulent mode zone (ZMF) with the values calculated by the most common calculation dependencies has been carried out. It is found that if the co-equivalent roughness is determined on the basis of the solution of the inverse problem, then any of these formulas can be used to calculate λ in the ZMF with an error acceptable for engineering calculations. To reduce the error of friction head hτ calculation using Leibenzon's formula, the approximation of Altshul's formula was performed, as a result of which new coefficients β and m for ZMF were calculated and the boundary Reynolds numbers for this zone were specified.

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