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Vol 170 No 2
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Research article

Application of magnetic method in the geological research of facial differentiation of the Upper Jurassic limestones in Krakow-Wielun Upland, Southern Poland

Joanna Jędrys
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  • AGH – University of Science and Technology
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According to magnetic survey data, there are strong linear and several three-dimensional anomalies in the Krakowsko-Wieluńska Upland. The upland is composed predominantly of Upper Jurassic massive and bedded limestones. All anomalies are caused by large intrusions in the Paleozoic basement of the upland. They are confined to a significant fault zone separating terrane-like crustal blocks. During the Late Jurassic, the presence of intrusions in bedrock led to the formation of uplands on the seafloor. Such uplands were the most important factors stimulating the growth of carbonate reef-like formations. In the landscape of the Krakovsko-Wieluńska uplands, these uplands form characteristic monadic knocks. Interpretation of the magnetic survey conducted in this area allows us to understand the genesis and morphology of the uplands.

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