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Vol 172
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Research article

Problems of prediction of loads on linings and stability of operated tunnels

A. G. Protosenya1
M. A. Karasev2
E. G. Kozin3
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 3 — St. Petersburg Metro
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The results of in-situ measurements of vertical displacements of the tunnel lining of the St. Petersburg subway are presented. The 3d-model of interaction between soil and tunnel lining subjected to initial geostatic stress state is considered, and vertical displacements of the lining along the tunnel are used as an additional boundary condition. The calculated tangential stresses in the lining are compared with in-situ results of crack zone formation.

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  1. Баклашов И.В. Механика подземных сооружений и конструкции крепи / И.В.Баклашов, Б.А.Картозия. М.: Недра, 1984.
  2. Булычев Н.С. Механика подземных сооружений. М.: Недра, 1982.
  3. Булычев Н.С. Расчет крепи капитальных горных выработок / Н.С.Булычев, Б.З.Амусин, А.Г.Оловянный. М.: Недра, 1979.

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