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Vol 173
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Georadiolocation researches of hydraulic engineering and transport constructions

N. N. Efimova1
S. M. Danilev2
About authors
  • 1 — FSI Sevmorgeo
  • 2 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The saved up experience allows to judge ample opportunities of GPR method for nondestructive control of operational reliability of hydraulic engineering and transport constructions. The GPR method is intended, first of all, for quality standard of a condition of constructions. High sensitivity of this method minor alterations in a structure, structure and a condition of materials of a design of a construction, do its irreplaceable for revealing the defects collecting, external loadings developing and shown under action and causing decrease in durability and bearing ability of designs as a whole. On examples of results of georadar-tracking inspection of concrete fastening of a pressure head slope of a soil dam of the Nizhniy Novgorod hydroelectric power station and a site of the October railway high efficiency of application of a method for revealing and estimations of geometrical parameters of defects of hydraulic engineering constructions and is shown to an earthen embankment of a railway way.

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  1. Владов М.Л. Введение в георадиолокацию: Учеб. пособие / М.Л.Владов, А.В.Старовойтов. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2004. 153 с.
  2. Глазунов В.В. Некоторые перспективные направления развития метода георадиолокации в инженерной геофизике / В.В.Глазунов, Н.Н.Ефимова // Тезисы конф. «Георадар – 2002». МГУ. М., 2002. C.1-4.
  3. Глазунов В.В. Оценка состояния конструктивных слоев и землеполотна автодорог по данным георадиолокации / В.В.Глазунов, Н.Н.Ефимова // Разведка и охрана недр. М: Недра, 2001. № 3. С.39-42.
  4. Подповерхностная радиолокация / М.И.Финкельштейн, В.И.Карпухин, В.А.Кутев, В.Н.Метелкин; Под. ред. М.И.Финкельштейна. М.: Радио и связь, 1994. 216 с.

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