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Vol 173
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Research article

Modeling of crystals and structures of rare minerals: zavaritskite, betechtinite, saffronovskite

O. A. Murzinskaya1
A. V. Nepochatova2
About authors
  • 1 — Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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Brief description of three rare minerals, zavaritskite (BiOF), shafranovskite (K 2 Na 3 (Mn,Fe,Na) 4 [Si 9 (O,OH) 27 ](OH) 2 -nH 2 O,n≈2,33) and betekhtinite (Pb 2 (Cu,Fe) 21 S 15 ), are given. Digital models of their crystal forms and structures are simulated with application of the Shape v.7 and Atoms v.5 software packages. Basic structural patterns which may determine physical properties of the studied minerals have been revealed.

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