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Vol 174
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Removing cuttings from deviated and horizontal wells

Sandoiu Gheorghe-Florin
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  • Petroleum-Gas Universit of Ploiesti
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Effective cuttings transport is critical in drilling production horizontal and extended reach wells. In these cases, failure to remove drill cuttings from the hole would lead to deposition and accumulation of cuttings in the annulus, resulting in stuck pipe, eccentric annulus and/or reduced penetration rate.

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  1. Neculai Macovei. Directional Drilling. Ploiesti, 2003.
  2. Masuda Y., University of Tokyo; Q. Doan, Vincano Inc.; M. Oguztoreli, Mustafa Oguztoreli Inc.; S. Naganawa, University of Tokyo; T. Yonezawa, A. Kbayashi, TRC/JNOC; A. Kamp, INTEVEP/PDVSA: Critical Cuttings Transport Velocity in Inclined Annulus: Experimental Studies and Numerical Simulation, SPE 65502-MS, 2000.
  3. James B. Terry, Carey J. Naquin, Patrick Laursen, James Estep, Martin Paulk, E. Alan Coats, Ron Crook, Rickey L. Morgan: Method and apparatus for removing cuttings, Halliburton Energy Services, 2005.
  4. Valluri S.G., Miska S.Z., Ahmed R., Yu M. and Takach N.E., U. of Tulsa: Experimental Study of Effective Hole Cleaning Using «Sweeps» in Horizontal Wellbores, SPE 101220-MS, 24-27 September, 2006.
  5. Leising L.J., Walton I.C., Schlumberger: Cuttings-Transport Problems and Solutions in Coiled-Tubing Drilling, March, 2002, SPE.
  6. University of Tulsa: Advanced Cuttings Transport Study, January 30, 2000.

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