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Vol 174
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Research article

Petrological characterization of montsogranites and granosigenites of the Ubukunskoye ore occurrence

N. A. Grebenkin1
V. V. Suchkov2
About authors
  • 1 — Russian State Geological Prospecting University
  • 2 — Russian State Geological Prospecting University
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Granites with monzonitic structure and granosienites represent early and late phases of intrusion development. Crystallization of granites takes place with deanortitization of plagioclase and incongruent formation of К-Na-feldspar. Granosienites are characterized with cotectic crystallization. Changes in granosienites at the acid stage lead to albitization of the K-Na-feldspar, chloritization of biotite and large-scale development of pyrite with Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb impurities. The late alkaline stage is characterized with sedimentation of Ca as calci-spar.

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