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Vol 177
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Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment

N. V. Danilova1
E. D. Kadyrov2
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  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The approach to studying metallurgical processes by means of a method of planning of experiment is considered. With use 2 4 -factorial plans are investigated influence of parameters of loading of furnace Vanjukov on concentration of copper in stein. As varied variables the stream of sulphidic materials, stream of fluxes and stream of technical oxygen were considered. As a result of processing skilled data the equation of regress is received. Influence of separate factors, and also their joint influence is analysed.

Данилова Н.В., Кадыров Э.Д. Построение модели процесса Ванюкова методом полного факторного эксперимента // Записки Горного института. 2008. Т. 177. С. 121-123.
Danilova N.V., Kadyrov E.D. Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 121-123.
Go to volume 177


  1. Методы исследований и организация экспериментов / Под ред. К.П.Власова. Харьков: Гуманитарный центр, 2002.

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