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Vol 177
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Methodical maintenance of use of results of the automated monitoring of self-propelled equipment and dump trucks

A. A. Kuleshov
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article dedicates to the problems of developing of regulation of getting and explosion information about condition of equipment of the process of exploitation. The main aims are: to determine of structure of information which we get, and full of it; developing ways of getting and giving information; determine of really advices about rise of advantages of explosion of industry.

Кулешов А.А. Методическое обеспечение использования результатов автоматизированного мониторинга самоходного оборудования и карьерных автосамосвалов // Записки Горного института. 2008. Т. 177. С. 25-27.
Kuleshov A.A. Methodical maintenance of use of results of the automated monitoring of self-propelled equipment and dump trucks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 25-27.
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