Explosive detonation of a cut block by beam and vertical concentrated explosive charges in a massif with tectonic stress fields
About authors
- 1 — Institute of Mining Engineering SB RAS
- 2 — Institute of Mining Engineering SB RAS
- 3 — Institute of Mining Engineering SB RAS
- 4 — Abakansk branch of OJSC «Evrazruda»
- 5 — Abakansk branch of OJSC «Evrazruda»
One of the most power-intensive processes of development of deposits of iron ores is explosive breaking mountain weight, which in many respects defines results of work of all technological complex and completeness of extraction of minerals from bowels. Practice has shown expediency of application of chinks of the big diameter in underground conditions, large-scale breaking. Besides puchec pulled together charges ВВ, it is offered to use the vertical concentrated charges. It enables to realize practically idea of reduction of number of mass explosions.
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