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Vol 180
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Complex of measures on restoration of quality of natural environment on industrial object

V. I. Reshnyak1
V. A. Zhigulskiy2
About authors
  • 1 — St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications
  • 2 — LLC «Eco-Express-Service»
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The results of the researches of soil pollution on the territory of artificial site (bunkering base) have been presented. A recultivation measures to ameliorate the soil quality have been suggested. The main idea of recultivation includes: eliminations of pollution course; remediation of the soil by artificial aeration and regulation of humidity by the drainage system of petrocontaining waters with its subsequent treatment.

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  1. Рациональные способы санирования очагов техногенного загрязнения углеводородными соединениями / Ю.В.Шувалов, М.А.Пашкевич, Н.А.Юрлова, Е.А.Синькова // МАНЭБ. СПб, 2008.
  2. Шувалов Ю.В. Очистка грунтов от загрязнения нефтью и нефтепродуктами / Ю.В.Шувалов, Е.А.Синькова // Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень. 2004. № 12.

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