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Vol 181
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Automatic system of stabilization of sulphur production from waste gases of autogenous generators

K. M. Botviniev
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  • Norilsk State Industrial Institute
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Vanyukov's process of extraction is an autogenous method for sulfide concentrates of nonferrous metals. Melting is accomplished in a specially designed furnace and is accompanied by generating sulfur dioxide bearing off-gases. Different sulfur removal methods are used to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, of which the Claus process is the most significant process of gas desulfurizing. The efficiency of a typical Claus process can achieve as much as 80% of sulfur recovery. However, the existing control system enables achievement of not more than 60- 70% efficiency due to lack of an adequate process model. The paper presents an automated control system which is based on a fuzzy model of sulfur dioxide recovery.

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  1. Черепанов К.А. Производство металлов за Полярным кругом: Технологическое пособие / К.А.Черепанов, Г.И.Черныш. Норильск: Библиотека «Норильского никеля», 2007. 296 с.
  2. Леоненков А.В. Нечеткое моделирование в среде MATLAB и fuzzyTECH СПб: БХВ-Петербург, 2005. 736 с.: ил.

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