Use of Foreign companies' experience for formation of investment program for implementation of diversification strategy of regional gas company
- Master’s degree student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
The article is dedicated to the topic of use of foreign companies' experience during the process of regional gas companies diversification strategy start-up. This topic is very actual for the current moment, because it helps to solve many problems of the company. The analisys of global energy companies in the sphere of its business diversification is shown in the article. The materials of the rating agency Platts were used in this investigation. The experience of companies from the Platts Rating was used in the process of research. There were found the main global trends of energy market development, some projects of JSC GAZPROM's strategy change in North-West region were suggested. Also as a result of basics and regional gas companies' analisys there was offered a regional gas company's diversification estimation model. Consequent alternative changes and main projects were offered and based on this model.
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