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Vol 182
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Economic estimation of formation and use of reserve fund of oil products on the territory of North-West Russia

E. I. Sapozhnikova
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  • Master’s degree student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The given work is devoted to the substantiation and an economic estimation of formation and use of Oil products Reserve Stocks in the Northwest of Russia. The creation of these strategic stocks is becoming one of the priority tasks of the Russian Government. The purpose of creation of commercial stocks of oil products is the stabilization of prices instability in the Russian market, the prevention of possible consequences of great drop/jump in prices, and reimbursement of storage costs as well. So, government should create special stocks that will be able to take advantage immediately for economic targets. The nomenclature and recommended volumes of stocks according to the current economic situation on the basis of the analysis and planning of strategic oil products consumption have been carried out. Reservation period and geographical arrangement of oil products storage areas in the territory of the district have been defined. Recommendations to the further use and planning of oil products commercial stocks are given on the basis of economic estimation results of actions that have been offered by the author and the analysis of the received data as well.

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  1. Госпадарчук Г.Г. Ценовое регулирование региональных товарных рынков. Н.Новгород: Изд-во Нижегородского ун-та, 1996. 240 с.
  2. Проблемы формирования стратегического резерва углеводородного сырья России / А.И.Варламов, А.А.Ильинский, В.Н.Милетенко и др.; ВНИГРИ. СПб, 2008. 260 с.
  3. Экономико-математическое моделирование стратегических запасов углеводородного сырья и продуктов его переработки: Методические рекомендации / Сост.: Г.И.Матросова, А.А.Ильинский, А.Е.Череповицын, Е.И.Сапожникова; ЦСПиЭ. СПб, 2006.

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