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Vol 182
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Analysis of the efficiency of state regulation in the fuel and energy complex of Russia

Ya. V. Voronina1
L. I. Iseeva2
About authors
  • 1 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Associate professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The fuel and energy complex is a basis of economic development of Russia for long time. The most part of tax revenues in the state budget is made with taxes from sale of oil and gas, so the government is interested in perfection of this system. Nowadays In Russia the state policy in sphere subsurface resources management is focused on increase of efficiency of use of a mineral raw-material base, maintenance of its reproduction, rational and safe wildlife management. Volumes of financing of prospecting works have increased in times. In given clause the reached results and problems which are necessary for solving are stated, and ways of the decision are offered.

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