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Vol 222
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Ion distribution function in their own gas plasma

A. S. Mustafaev1
V. S. Sukhomlinov2
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg State University
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Flat one-sided probe was used for the first time to measure the first seven coefficients in the Legendre polynomial expansion of ion energy and angle distribution functions for He + in He and Ar + in Ar under the conditions when the ion velocity gained along its free run distance is comparable to the average thermal energy of atoms. Analytic solution of the Boltzmann kinetic equation is found for ions in their own gas for arbitrary tension of electric field in plasma when the dominating process is resonant charge exchange. The dependence of cross-section of resonant charge exchange on the relative velocity is accounted for. It is demonstrated that the ion velocity distribution function differs significantly from the Maxwell distribution and is defined by two parameters instead of just one. The results of computational and experimental data agree quite well, provided the spread function of measurement technique is taken into account. 

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