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Vol 185
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Application of geodynamic polygons for monitoring of ground deformations while exploitation of gas and oil fields

V. Ya. Lobazov1
A. F. Kisurkin2
A. P. Petrov3
O. N. Staroverov4
About authors
  • 1 — director of research-production centre MIIGAiK «Geodinamika»
  • 2 — Ph.D. research assistant MIIGAiK «Geodinamika»
  • 3 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. deputy director (on research work) OJSC «VNIPIgazdobycha»
  • 4 — chief of engineering surveys department OJSC «VNIPIgazdobycha»
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The main aims and problems of geodynamical monitoring of oil and gas fields are considered. It’s proved that monitoring of deformations of long-term oil and gas fields becomes really actual to secure stable oil and gas production and transporting. Basic criteria of geodynamical polygon creation and general requirements for gas and oil fields monitoring are adduced in this work. For practical creation of geodynamical polygons one indicated equipment, methods and content of work with phases.

geodynamic polygons monitoring probable modeling. satellite observations gravimetric research
Go to volume 185

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