Numerical assessment of stress-strain field in vicinity of large open pit mine taking into account geomechanical, geological and mining factors
About authors
- 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Deputy director on research work Mining institute of the Kola research center of RAS
- 2 — Ph.D. senior research assistant Mining institute of the Kola research center of RAS
- 3 — senior research assistant Mining institute of the Kola research center of RAS
- 4 — junior research Mining institute of the Kola research center of RAS
The results of modeling of rock mass stress state in the vicinity of large open pit mine using finite-elements method are represented. The model allows to take into account the influence of large-scale fractures. The initiation of boundary conditions is based on the results of determination of stress parameters in situ. The locations of risk areas near the slope are defined.
mathematical modeling
stress-strain fields. account of geological factors
determination of hazardous zones
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