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Vol 186
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Research article

Predictive calculations for grinding flowsheets

A. O. Romashev
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  • Student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The optimizing and predicting computer packages are extremely important in the theory and practice of processes of crushing, allowing to solve variety of the problems, concerning calculation of schemes, a choice of the equipment, definition of power expenses, automation etc.

crushing modeling power laws computer packages
Go to volume 186


  1. Андреев Е.Е. Дробление, измельчение и подготовка сырья к обогащению: Учебник / Е.Е.Андреев, О.Н.Тихонов. Санкт-Петербург. гос. горный ин-т. СПб, 2007. 439 с.

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