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Vol 186
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Research article

The improvement of selective extraction of thick potash seams mined with room and pillar mining method

Yu. G. Sirenko1
M. Yu. Brychkov2
E. R. Kovalsky3
About authors
  • 1 — канд. техн. наук Associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 3 — Ph.D. assistant lecture Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Technological scheme of selective extraction of a complex thick potash seam on the basis of cutting machine «Bucyrus Model 25 M0» is proposed. Stable pillars’ width and room dimensions are calculated. Economical effect is also presented.

selective extraction potash seams room-and-pillar mining method numerical modeling
Go to volume 186


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  2. Нормативные и методические документы по ведению горных работ на Старобинском месторождении калийных солей / НТП «Горняк». Солигорск – Минск, 1995. 214 c.
  3. Оловянный А.Г. Некоторые задачи механики массивов горных пород / ФГУП «Межотраслевой научный центр» ВНИМИ. СПб, 2003. 234 с.

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