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Vol 188
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Geologo-geomechanical developments of structures of deep vertical shafts at coal mines in Donbass

V. V. Levit1
S. V. Borshchevskii2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. General director Spetsshakhtoburenie
  • 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Head of Chair of the Donetsk Technical University
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The lithologo-geomechanical trend of conditions for strengthening the vertical shafts of collieries which coordinates and unites the lithologo-geomechanical and mining factors into a system has been developed.

inhomogeneities of multilayer coal measure strata stability of rock exposures pattern of failure of rock layers account of fracturing disintegration of rock thixotropy
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