Utilization of exhausted potash mines in Russia as repositories for radioactive waste disposal
2011 S. P. Mozer, O. V. Kovalev, I. Yu. Tkhorikov
Determination of maximum roof spans in the intensive mining of flat-lying coal seams at the Kuzbass basin
2011 S. G. Baranov, D. S. Vlasenko, M. A. Loginov
Method of description of air flow inside goaf of longwall with caving in underground coal mines
2011 Yan Shlonzak
The choice of mining methods for the near-ore bank reserves of the Koashva deposit
2011 A. B. Koreivo, A. G. Zileev
Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes at the estimation of influence of building underground constructions in cities on the undermined rock mass
2011 E. M. Volokhov, D. A. Potemkin
Calculation of displacement and deformations of rocks tunnels arising at building taking into account vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement
2011 E. M. Volokhov, N. S. Bakh