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Vol 192
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Study of the electrochemical behaviour of selenium in biselenium electrolytes

G. V. Petrov1
A. A. Chernyshev2
V. N. Kovalev3
A. Yu. Spynu4
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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A thermodynamic analysis of the system Se – H 2 O was prospect. Plotted dependences the concentrations of selenium oxyanions from the pH of the solution and polarization graphs for various materials of the anode. Draw conclusions about the regularities of selenium electroextraction from selenium solutions.

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  1. Пат. 2393256 РФ, МПК С22В61/00. Способ извлечения селена при переработке шламов электролиза меди / Т.Н.Грейвер, Г.В.Петров, А.А.Чернышев, В.Н.Ковалев. Заявл. 29.12.2008; Опубл. 27.06.2010.
  2. Современные технологии переработки медеэлектролитных шламов / А.А.Чернышев, Г.В.Петров, А.М.Беленький, В.Н.Ковалев // Цветная металлургия. 2009. № 4. С.20-24.
  3. Chernyshev A.A., Petrov G.V. Researching of regularitys of electrochemical selenium abstraction in redesigning of cuprum electrolysis muds // Freiberger Forschungshefte Innovations in Geoscience, Geoingineering and Mettalurgy. Freiberg. 2008. P.158-160.

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