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Vol 192
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Method for coal preparation with automatic control

V. B. Kuskov1
V. V. Lvov2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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The design of a concentrating hydrocyclone «Water-only» for coal preparation is developed and tested. The scheme of automatic control is developed by hydrocyclone work. Automatic control application has allowed raising technological indices of concentration.

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  1. Иофа М.Б. Обогащение мелкого угля в тяжелосредних гидроциклонах / М.Б.Иофа, Л.С.Зарубин, В.И.Хайдактн. М.: Недра, 1978.
  2. Поваров А.М. Способ автоматического регулирования гидроциклоном / А.М.Поваров, М.Г.Забиров // Обогащение руд. 1958. № 3.

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