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Vol 194
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To the question of formation and functioning of self-developing territorial economic systems

V. P. Skobelina1
Yu. V. Lyubek2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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One of the directions of stable balanced and socially productive development of russian economy is self-developing territorial systems formation. Self-developing territorial economic systems should provide the expanded reproduction of total regional product at the expense of own resources and incomes potential.

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  2. Полякова А.Г. Регионы нового освоения как вид пространственных образований // Вестник финансовой академии. 2009. № 2 (50).
  3. Татаркин А.И. Саморазвивающиеся регионы в экономической системе России / А.И.Татаркин, Д.А.Татаркин // Федеративные отношения и региональная политика. 2008. № 11.

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