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Vol 194
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Strategic estimation of major investment projects of the mining companies

T. V. Ponomarenko1
O. I. Tsarakov2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — «Gipronickel» Institute
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The investment policy of the large integrated companies at mineral and raw material sector and fuel and energy complex provides strategic investment, is directed on full modernization of profile actives, dynamical placing of actives, portfolio strategic investment that allows to manage value of the company. The choice of a method of an estimation of the strategic investment project should consider the factors: type and character of the project, level of detailed elaboration of estimation, the budget of the project and capital structure, degree of development of the financial market, feature of the taxation. Complexity of an estimation of strategic investment projects in the mining companies is caused by necessity of correct definition of term of realization, a correct choice of a method of estimation, the importance of the account of dynamics of environment and specificity of emerging markets for the Russian conditions.

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  3. Скобелина В.П. Основные проблемы институционального регулирования недропользования в калийной отрасли России / В.П.Скобелина, Т.В.Пономаренко // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2010. Т.185.Теплова Т.В. Инвестиционные рычаги максимизации стоимости компании. М., 2007.

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