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Vol 194
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Multidimentional analysis and data visualisation of differentially normalized electrical method on the Barents sea shelf

A. V. Graiver1
A. Yu. Davydenko2
Yu. A. Davydenko3
S. A. Ivanov4
About authors
  • 1 — Irkutsk State Technical University
  • 2 — Irkutsk State Technical University
  • 3 — Siberian Geophysical Research-and-Development Company LLC
  • 4 — Siberian Geophysical Research-and-Development Company LLC
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Intensive offshore exploration is being conducted at the present time. Due to areal alterations over the hydrocarbon deposits high pyrite concentration is accumulated. This effect results in induced polarization anomalies which can be discovered with differentially normalized electrical method. The survey is being carried out in the process of a vessel movement by six channels. dU(t) fields are obtained per one current pulse. These data are highly-correlated. Transformation of these data into orthogonal high dimension space as well as robust multivariate regression procedure application allow to distinguish the geological heterogeneities response. This investigation is developing  the anomalies recognition technique.

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