Working out of technology of reception of fuel briquettes from few consumed carbon raw materials
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
The most accessible and technically prepared method of recycling slags and a coal trifle is briquetting. In given article the technology of reception of household fuel briquettes with an incendiary layer from slags coal of Kuznetsk coal field and a paper waste is resulted. Optimum indexs for reception of stronger briquettes are described.
- Пат. № 2009181 РФ. Слоистый топливный брикет / Е.Н.Кускова, В.Б.Кусков, Ю.П.Назаров. Опубл. 15.03.94. Бюл. № 5.
- Пат. № 2009193 РФ. Устройство для формования твердого топлива / Е.Н.Кускова, В.Б.Кусков. Опубл. 15.03.94. Бюл. № 5.
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