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Vol 196
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Removal of samarium (3+) and cerium (3+) from nitrate and chloride solutions by ion flotation

N. V. Dzhevaga1
D. E. Chirkst2
O. L. Lobacheva3
L. V. Grigoreva4
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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The ion flotation of cerium (3+) and samarium (3+) from nitrate solutions by use of sodium dodecyl sulphate as a collector with addition of sodium chloride has been stated. The ratio of distribution coefficients and separation coefficient as function of the pH-aqueous phase with different concentration of chloride-ions has been analyzed. The separation coefficient has rise  from 1,3 till 4,75 when chloride has been  added.

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