Method for determining the vertical and strain displacement using laser-scanning systems
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The technique of determination of deformation parameters of process of displacement of rocks on the basis of data of monitoring is stated by laser scanning systems according to which subsidence and deformation receive from comparison of the corresponding profiles which have been carried out in any direction on digital models of a site of monitoring, reflecting different stages of process of displacement.
- Правила охраны сооружений и природных объектов от вредного влияния подземных горных разработок на угольных месторождениях / ВНИМИ. СПб, 1998. 291 с.
- Основы наземной лазерно-сканирующей съемки: Учеб. пособие / В.Н.Гусев, А.И.Науменко, Е.М.Волохов, В.А.Голованов; Санкт-Петерб. гос. горный ун-т. СПб, 2011. 80 c.
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