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Vol 199
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Formation of stressed state in temporary tunnel support when constructing a traffic tunnel of north caucasus railway near the slope

M. O. Lebedev
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  • «Lenmetrogiprotrans» OJSC
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The paper presents the results of field observations on formation of stressed state in shotcrete temporary tunnel support when constructing a traffic tunnel of NCRW near the slope. Numerical simulation of stressed deformed state of the «support – block» system has been accomplished for the considered engineering geological conditions. The results obtained point to a possibility of developing the procedure of calculating supports based on results of field observations under comparable conditions in combination with SDS modeling applying finite-element method adapted for specific  conditions.

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  1. Моделирование взаимодействия временной крепи и постоянной обделки тоннелей с породным массивом / А.Г.Протосеня, Р.И.Ларионов, К.П.Безродный, В.А.Маслак, М.О.Лебедев // Известия Тульского государственного университета. Естественные науки. Серия «Науки о Земле». Тула, 2009. Вып.4.

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