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Vol 200
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Engineering-geological and geoecological aspects of a substantiation of long stability of concrete constructions of Cheboksary hydroelectric рower plant

R. E. Dashko1
N. A. Perevoshchikova2
D. Yu. Vlasov3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — Saint-Petersburg State University
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Features of engineering-geological and hydrological conditions of the basis of concrete constructions are analyzed. Factors of formation of ecological conditions in a bottom zone of a water basin of Cheboksary hydroelectric power plant are analyzed. The maintenance and change  of activity and number of microorganisms in water and ground adjournment of a water basin is considered. Results of specialized shooting in dry gallery about a condition of concrete of a building of hydroelectric power plant and an spillway dike in 2010-2011 are stated, the comparative estimation of microbiological activity which promotes development of active biocorrosion of concrete and metals is  spent. 

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  1. Дашко Р.Э. Микробиота в геологической среде: ее роль и последствия // Сергеевские чтения: Матер. годичной сессии Научного совета РАН по проблемам геоэкологии, инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии. М.: ГЕОС, 2000. С.72-78.
  2. Ларионов А.Д. Чебоксарская плотина на р. Волге / А.Д.Ларионов, С.П.Егоров, Н.П.Ларионова // Геология и плотины. 1962. Т.8. С.78-104.
  3. Макаров В.Б. Чебоксарская гидроэлектростанция / В.Б.Макаров, Л.Т.Фридлянов // Труды Гидропроекта. 2002. № 7. С.28-40.

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