Rare earth elements in platinum bearing vein chromitites of Nizhni Tagil pyroxenite-dunite massif, Central Urals
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 3 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 4 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Chromitites of Nizhni Tagil massif veins in length from a few centimeters to several meters. The contents of rare earth elements in the platinum-veined chromitites characterized by reduced compared with the enclosing dunite values. In quantitative terms, is dominated by light rare earth elements. The positive correlation between the rare-earth elements and platinum group metals in the samples with normal contents. High and extremely high content of PGE in the chromite-platinum ores Nizhni Tagil massif are not accompanied by a significant increase in the concentrations of REE.
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