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Vol 200
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Search criterions of sulphide skarn ore mineralization in the north part of Lake Ladoga region

M. P. Kashkevich1
A. V. Sergeev2
S. E. Balaban3
I. N. Savelev4
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg State University
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg State University
  • 3 — Saint-Petersburg State University
  • 4 — Saint-Petersburg State University
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The results of complex geophysical and geochemical investigations on  testing area, which is developed now for student field search and exploration trainings in the north part of Lake Ladoga region, are presented. Model objects corresponding to different geological situations (zones of tectonic faults, metamorphic carbonaceous-siliceous rocks and ore skarns) have been chosen for student field trainings. Manifestation of these objects in  geophysical and geochemical fields is concidered. Here we show a number of signs and criterions of ore skarns and graphitic deep faults (ore canals).

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