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Vol 204
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Rationale for the accuracy and parameters of cadastral surveying of land urbanized territories

M. Ya. Bryn1
P. A. Veselkin2
V. N. Ivanov3
A. V. Astapovich4
Yu. V. Shcherbak5
About authors
  • 1 — Petersburg State Transport University
  • 2 — Petersburg State Transport University
  • 3 — Petersburg State Transport University
  • 4 — Mozhaisky Military Space Academy
  • 5 — Chernihiv State Institute of Economics and Management
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It is shown that the position of landmarks urban land area up to 2 hectares should be determined with errors in relation to the items city geodetic network mt  = 0,05 m, for sites larger area – mt = 0,10 m. Formulas calculate the parameters theodolite moves (angular and linear residuals, stroke lengths and the number of sides) and the parameters of the cadastral survey (distances to landmarks).

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