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Vol 205
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Problems of mining of non-ferrous metals and gold deposits with pre-enrichment

A. V. Konev1
S. P. Kiseleva2
K. A. Shtresler3
Zh. V. Mironova4
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  • 1 — Sibtsvetmetniiproyekt
  • 2 — Sibtsvetmetniiproyekt
  • 3 — Siberian Federal University
  • 4 — Siberian Federal University
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In modern conditions of production due to the technological features of mining-metallurgical complex is deficient mineral adequate quality. Special attention must be given to the impact of mines on the environment. The introduction of pre-enrichment on an industrial scale will solve the problem involved in the development of the poor and discarded ore and significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment by reducing the amount of deep concentration of rock up to 70 %.

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