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Vol 207
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Forecast stress state of mass when extraction coal reserves under open pit mine in the underground mining Nui Beo (Vietnam)

Nguen Van Kuang
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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Define the underground extraction zone, which under the influence of open pit mine, on the tunnels in geology conditions of the underground mining Nui Beo. Calculate the components of the stress of the around rocks and tunnels under the pits and given the reasonable parameters of the support passport.

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  2. Тимофеев О.В. Материалы и конструкции крепей горных выработок / О.В.Тимофеев, Д.Н.Петров. Санкт-Петербург. горный ин-т. СПб, 2009. 109 с.
  3. Широков А.П. Анкерная крепь / А.П.Широков, М.А.Дзауров. М.: Недра, 1990. 205 с.

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