Hydromechanical device for clearing of drainage flow water in mining
About authors
- National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The paper deals with the energy efficiency of mine water and possible ways to improve it. Given examples of systems used for the mining water treatment at depth. Considered the possibility of using a plate thickener to clean mine water immediately prior to the pump.
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- Монгайт И.Л. Очистка шахтных вод / И.Л.Монгайт, К.Д.Текиниди, Г.И.Николадзе. М., 1978.
- Технологические схемы очистки от взвешенных веществ и обеззараживания шахтных вод: Каталог ЦНИЭИуголь, М., 1985.
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