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Vol 211
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Incentives for creation the competitive rare-earth industry in Russia in the context of global market competition

I. B. Sergeev1
T. V. Ponomarenko2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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One of the fundamental development factors of global economy is the steady growth of consumption and production of the rare-earth metals (REM). It has been an indicator of eco-nomic development and national security in industrialized countries for decades. The existing resource dependence on the Chinese producers and monopolization of the market promoted ex-tension and realization of REM development state programs in many countries. Established un-der the conditions of centrally planned economy, the Russian rare earth industry is off so far. The key factors of the Russian REM industry degradation are the gap of technological chains, the lack of internal demand for innovative products of high degrees of processing, the low level of mineral processing technologies, the need for skilled workers, the large-scale investments re-quirement. So the interrelation and the difficulty of assessing and managing these factors within their strategic nature actualize the problem of implementation and development of an integrated national program aimed to promote the creation and development of rare-earth production and consumption. Objective: To determine the strategic priorities of creating a system of production-consumption of rare earth industry in Russia in the face of global competition and the mecha-nisms of their maintenance by government regulation. Methodology of research: comparative analysis, system analysis and economic market analysis, forecasting techniques, methods of expert assessment.  Research results: The supply and demand assessment of REM global and domestic market in the medium and long term is given. Research covers the state, problems and prospects for re-covery and development of Russian REM industry. The opportunities for operational commis-sioning of natural and man-made sources of rare earth materials are identified. The comparative analysis of existing programs of state regulation of REM in the developed countries is carried out. The proposals for the recovery and development of REM in Russia are formulated.

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