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Vol 212
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Theoretical justification for analyzing distribution of gold concentrations in ores of hydrothermal gold deposits

S. V. Sendek1
K. E. Chernyshev2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article covers theoretical justification for the analysis of the regular pattern of gold distribution within ores of hydrothermal gold deposits. The analysis is based on principles of entropy dependence of gold concentration distribution variability in different physical-chemical conditions of oreforming processes providing certain goldbearing parageneses of ore minerals. At this rate, distribution of gold concentrations in an ore paragenesis is subordinated to the log-normal rule, and, subsequently, on the binary (lognormal) scale of gold concentrations this certain paragenesis of ore minerals is reflected as the frequency maximum of one or another class of this scale. Using some methodical steps in processing channel sampling data, it is possible to reveal or confirm the presence of several gold- bearing mineral associations and compare their volumetric and quantitative ratios in orebodies and blocks of mining. Results of the performed analysis of gold concentration distribution in ores of different hydrothermal gold deposits, including the polystadial ones, prove the validity of this technique for estimation of the gold dis-tribution in ores with the purpose of carrying out supplementary study of the genetic nature of ores, and their mining feasibility.

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