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Vol 216
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Deep structure and composition characteristics of the continental earth's crust geostructures on the Russian Federation territory

A. S. Egorov
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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Principal features of deep structure and composition of the lithosphere geostructures of the continental part of the Russian Federation territory are characterized within the radial-zonal model of the Earth’s crust. The principal units of the model are megablocks (paleoplites) with ancient layered continental crust and interblock megazones (structures of tension, compression and shear), separating them. The results of the geological-geophysical modeling are presented in the form of layer by layer deep structure schemes – of consolidated basement and of the platform cover and accompanied by a set of the earth's crust sections, carried out along regional profiles, performed with the application of a deep seismic sounding (DSS) method and reflected waves of common depth point (CDP) method.

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